What we do
They say babies don’t come with instruction manuals, but they can come with an experienced newborn care specialist (NCS), or baby nurse, who offers on-the-job training for new parents. You may find yourself wondering at 2am if that bump on your baby’s skin is normal or if you’re producing enough milk to keep her growing like she should. Your next pedi appointment may be another month out, and while you know you can call the office nurse with questions, you might forget half of what you wanted to ask by the time you pick up the phone. Or you may be sitting with your baby on the breast, struggling to get her to latch….while scrolling the internet trying to find solutions, all the while feeling increasingly frustrated. It’s times like these that the presence of a patient, knowledgeable NCS by your side can be invaluable.
having a patient, knowledgeable professional by your side can be invaluable
Comprehensive Newborn Care
Our newborn care specialists are highly experienced in providing top-notch care for newborns, and many specialize in multiples. Whether you are bringing home one baby or four, we will be there to feed, change, burp, comfort, and bathe your little one.
Rest and Recovery
The role of the NCS is multifaceted, as there is so much happening during the first three months and we want to care, nurture, educate, support, and guide during this transformative time. One of the primary responsibilities of an NCS is to provide care for your infant while you rest and recover during the early days at home. Sleep is essential to a new parent’s well-being, and your newborn care specialist will help to ensure you're getting as much rest as possible during her time with you. Many of our families choose overnight coverage, and this can be a wonderful way to not only get some much needed sleep, but also to learn about implementing a consistent nighttime routine for baby. Your NCS will teach you the benefits of routine for infants and show you how to set up a soothing bedtime environment that will help baby drift off to dream each night. Whether you are co-sleeping or putting baby to bed in the nursery, the routine is what matters most and helps your child establish healthy sleep patterns from the beginning.
Our newborn care specialists are all trained and experienced in providing lactation assistance to breastfeeding moms. This is highly valued among our new moms, as many find breastfeeding to be more challenging than they anticipated. Even those for whom nursing happens with ease appreciate having an educated NCS nearby to assure them that all is well and assist with milk handling. Your NCS will educate you on how to pump, store, and freeze milk properly, as well as address any issues with latching on or sore nipples. It’s important to establish healthy breastfeeding within the first two weeks, and having an NCS at home to help you get on the right track can be invaluable. More and more families are using donor breastmilk as well, which can be a wonderful way to nourish your newborn when a maternal supply is not available. Lavender is a fantastic resource for this, and can assist adoptive and surrogate parents, dad-dad couples, mothers with low milk supply, and parents bringing home a NICU baby on donor milk.
Growth and development
Your NCS will help monitor and nurture your baby’s growth and development during her stay with you, so you can feel at ease knowing that your baby is on track with milestones. Your NCS will teach you the basics of newborn care and the things to look out for that may necessitate a visit to the doctor.
Your child’s emotional and cognitive wellbeing is just as important as their physical, and our newborn care specialists are sensitive and attuned to this. We are a holistic newborn care specialist company that focuses on ALL aspects of newborn health: physical, emotional, and cognitive. The first few weeks of life are a formative time, and establishing a nurturing environment in which a baby feels loved, safe, nurtured from birth is essential. Helping parents bond with their babies is one of the things we do best, and we take great pride in making each infant’s emotional security a primary focus of our care.
Healthy bonding between caregiver and newborn is so important
Why is this? Early relationships form a foundation of emotional security and safety that the child carries with him throughout life. Often times, there are factors that can interfere with early bonding. Having the support of an NCS with awareness and education in early bonding and attachment can be transformative in these instances. Your newborn care specialist may teach you about skin to skin kangaroo care, how to massage your baby, the benefits of baby wearing, and other things you can do to connect with your little one. If your baby has been in the NICU for any length of time, you might be feeling some sadness about being separated from your child and not having been able to touch and hold them much right after birth. That is normal, and newborn care specialists are skilled in helping parents work through that and bond with their babies after discharge in ways they might have missed during the NICU experience. We are sensitive to each family’s unique needs, and help parents learn how how to bond with their baby in a way that resonates with them.
Keeping baby healthy and safe
All of our newborn care specialists prioritize the wellness and safety of your baby. In addition to teaching you to recognize signs of illness in your child, we will help you learn how to keep your baby healthy and prevent illness. Whether your baby is breast or formula fed, you will learn how to make sure he is getting good nutrition, as total body health begins with the proper digestion and absorption of nutrients. A happy belly leads to a happy baby! If your baby takes medication, our NCS will administer this as needed, and help you to feel comfortable giving the medicine as well. While all our newborn care specialists are capable of caring for babies with minor medical needs, if your child needs more intensive care, we will work to pair you with an RN. Your NCS will make sure you know how to buckle up baby and install the car seat properly, as well as educate you on safe sleep practices.
We keep abreast of the latest in evidence based practice
Nursery Maintenance
Throughout our time with you, your NCS will make sure the nursery is kept clean, organized, and well maintained. She will keep a running list of items that need to be purchased and restocked, and will order these for you if you’d like. The baby’s laundry will be done on each shift or as needed, and our NCS will take excellent care of delicate fabrics and those that need airdrying. A few of our specialists are also available to help organize the nursery and can even come to your home before baby is born to get everything set up. This can be an enormous help to an overwhelmed mom-to-be, especially one who has other children and can’t worry about where to put the changing table or what bathtub to choose. If you would like your NCS to assist with shopping and nursery setup/organization, we will pair you with one who has expertise in this area. Our moms love having that extra bit of help before baby arrives, and it’s a great way for you and your NCS to begin getting to know each other!